Friday, April 15, 2011

AJC 09 : The Jung-White Letters: A Theatrical Performance and Discussion (2 DVD Set) for $89.00

Cheap AJC 09 : The Jung-White Letters: A Theatrical Performance and Discussion (2 DVD Set) Discount Review Shop

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"AJC 09 : The Jung-White Letters: A Theatrical Performance and Discussion (2 DVD Set)" Overview is a global Jungian community hosting blog's, social media and videos about Jungian psychology. Our DVD's are professionally produced seminar from leading Jungian Analysts.

In 1945, shaken by the terrible revelations of the war that was ending, two men became caught up in a shared mission to transform the spiritual and psychological life of the western world. Driven by this enormous vision, C.G. Jung and Victor White, each a master in his field, agreed to work together on the borderlands of psychology and religion. They risked much on the venture. White, especially, risked his career as a Dominican theologian and arguably his life. In time it became clear that, in their irresolvable debate about the problem of evil, they faced a major stumbling block. This argument revealed the true depth of the chasm between their thought-worlds. Their friendship survived many bruises but, with Jung's Answer to Job and White's published response to it, the relationship broke almost beyond repair. Taken as a whole, their story is a tragedy. But like all classical tragedies, it has vital interludes of laughter and healthy glimpses of eros - both profane and sacred.

This 2 DVD set includes the 90 minute performance based on a careful selection of letters exchanged between Professor Carl Jung and Father Victor White. It is an unforgettable experience of drama and intellectual stimulation as the story of this rich and multifaceted relationship unfolds. The second DVD contains a lively 2 hour teaching seminar from Dr. Murray Stein, one of Zurich's foremost Jungian analysts. It also contains over an hour of in depth interviews with the primary actors and actresses involved in the performance.

The cast includes: Paul Brutsche (C.G. Jung), John Hill (Victor White), Heike Weis (Barbara Robb, the Soror Mystica), Ann Lammers (Narrator). Introduction and discussion by Murray Stein.

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

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