Sunday, March 6, 2011

Stay Awake and Relax for $11.49

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"Stay Awake and Relax" Overview

Self-Awakening Is The First Contribution That You Make To An Enlightened Planetary Civilization

So all memories, since you created them, contain a homing force that pulls them toward your experience field of awareness. Your experience field is where you turn perceptions back into free attention. This is just the "as-is-ness" of experience; it is what it is. We experience an event, the event passes, and we are still present, alert, and aware, ready for the next event.
And ideally, that's how we should live our lives. But, you know, life can present us with moments of horror, moments of pain, and moments of painful emotion that we don't want. And unless we're really wise and wizardly we react to these unwelcome moments becoming memories by pushing them away.
Recorded live at the September 2006 Avatar Master Course in Orlando, Florida.

In 1986, a teacher named Harry Palmer created The Avatar Course. That same year he founded Star's Edge International®, the seminar management corporation that supervises the delivery of the Avatar Materials. Harry's writings are a profound contribution to the growing body of knowledge, exercises, and processes directed to self-improvement. Many individuals and companies in the personal-development industry have adopted his ideas.

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